My Sweet Son, John Roman

My sweet son, John Roman. I wrote in your new baby book today -your grandma gave it to me for my birthday. It will always be one of my very favorite gifts. 

One day I want to tell you the reason we had your first ultrasound at 6 weeks and why so many others followed. One day I want to tell you about your older sibling. One day I want to tell you about our first experiences together through my pregnancy and through the thoughts and emotions I felt while you were inside of me. 

John Roman, one day I want to look at you and know that I taught you everything I could. One day I want to look at you and see wisdom in your eyes that withstands lifetimes. One day I want to look at you and see the love you have for this world and for humanity because that is what I hope to give you. 

There is so much beauty in this world and within us. I used to feel like I'd never make a large enough impact in such a big world. Now I feel like maybe the human souls I bring into this world are my greatest contribution and largest impact in this big, big world. 

John Roman, I love you and all that you are -all that you might be, and all that you can be. I will support you every step of the way and guide you until it is no longer my duty to guide you -and at which point you will likely be guiding me through the remainder of my life. 

Do well in this world my sweet son..., -do well
